the monster says, "did i really just say that?"

Monday, July 31, 2006

Or maybe just heat exhaustion

I bought my kitten a cat tree. Hopefully, when it comes, she will stop eating my fern.

I think I'm in love. I feel sorta funny. No, it's not with my cat. Or with Russ. I'm as surprised as you are.

Speaking of Russ, I made him watch Amelie. Well, I brought it over to his cube like 3 weeks ago, and he finally gave it back today. He said, "It was ok... But by the end you're just like, "Ok, this girl is so introverted she can't even talk to people." If he only knew how much I'm like this girl...

Also, I'm not in love, I love everyone. My horoscope this week says, "You're charming, but your inability to make up your mind will confuse your suitors." And how!

I'm covered in mosquito bites and I had a terrible day at work but I'm still happy.


At 1/8/06 15:23, Blogger The Old Stooge said...

I felt the same way about Amelie. Speaking of which, I still have the soundtrack if you want it...

At 1/8/06 18:29, Blogger christymonster said...

Yes! I do want...

That is sort of the most romantic idea, isn't it? That you can meet your soulmate without taking any risks? Hm, maybe I prefer real life after all.

At 18/8/06 09:09, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just checking in... I hope things are still going OK for you.
Happy Friday

At 26/8/06 00:59, Blogger The Old Stooge said...

So are you still alive, and if not, could you let me know.

Also, you should be getting an e-mail from me. If you don't, let me know. I don't know if I have an up-to-date address.


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