the monster says, "did i really just say that?"

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Fact of the matter is

I'm not. Even though my friend beek hooked me up with free new antivirus software, my computer won't even boot up normally. It is a very strange sensation to be so free of the computer after years of being addicted to using it.

That's not why I'm here, however. I'm here to talk about mistakes. (oh, yeah, this probably won't be very humorous, so if you're here for teh </geek> funny, wait a couple more days) The thing with mistakes is, it's a lot easier to recover from them when you're young. And they tend to have shorter-reaching consequences. If you have extenuating circumstances, however, you'll catch up really quickly. I think mistakes are like chickenpox: the later in life you have them, the more excruciating they are. But that doesn't mean they're not every bit of worthwhile.

And I'm happy for mine, for they have made me who I am.


At 7/6/06 08:33, Blogger The Old Stooge said...

Did you know your links don't work? Is this an intentional trick to make me pull a nutty? I need to know who "Is a Good Lay" is. Or are you telling Zach that his mom is a good lay? In which case a comma or semi-colon is missing.

Have a good day!

At 8/6/06 00:54, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a mention! Yay! :)
- beek

At 8/6/06 17:46, Blogger christymonster said...

My thought process on the linking:

I linked Zach because he hosts I see no point in linking any well-known website, and I don't have any unknown websites that I feel particularly inclined to link. If you'd like me to link you, I will.

I had originally intended to mean that the reader's mom is a good lay (which I can say authoritatively because I have fucked all your moms) but it ended up looking ambiguous in a way that amused me.

As my work-husband Russ informed me today, I laugh at a lot of weird shit. Sorry to have driven all y'all crazy.

Updates coming soon, I did a lot of funny shit this week. (hopefully not just from my weird sense of humour's perspective)

At 8/6/06 20:51, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, I missed having you around.


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