Smarter than the machine
Feeling much better mentally but unfortunately my computer is on the fritz.
I was chatting online with my friend Ally before heading out for the evening, when my computer started going to black, which I thought was just a brown-out at first, but then it did it a bunch of times, rebooted itself, told me "Your computer has just recovered from a serious error," and then there were Chinese/Japanese (I'm guessing Japanese) characters in my desktop menu. Computer virus, gross. I really don't want to deal with it at all, but I'm sorta attached to the internet from the hip (Several times today, I went and sat down in front of my computer before remembering that it doesn't work at the moment), so I'll probably have to take it in somewhere, because I'm completely helpless. [/sarcasm] I can't decide if I want to play the damsel in distress and have one of my computer geek friends fix it, try to fix it myself, or pay someone else to do it. Or, you know, just sink myself further in debt and buy an Apple laptop, like I really want to do.
Who can say? But if you're wondering why I don't have anything to say, that's why. At least for the next few days, and then I will have another excuse. Don't worry.
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