Tomorrow is another day
You've never felt so far away
As you do today
I wrote that in the car, leaving my softball game on Monday. I didn't find out why I felt that way until Tuesday afternoon. Sometimes being intuitive kinda sucks. And I can't say I much care for that jarring feeling that comes with reality. In fact, it bites.
(Whatever you think this is about, you're most likely wrong. And no, I'm not explaining myself)
I should say more (I'm a naughty little updater, I need to be spanked. No, really, please?), but I'm going to bed. I've been a little sick this week and I need the sleep, I assure you.
The one good thing to come out of this is that I'm finally inspired to write something new. I had worried that alienating Zach meant losing my muse, since he was the first person to inspire me to write anything (no, I'm not talking about blogging, I'm talking about music) since Jamis.
(also, I did a google search for Jamis' full name the other day and only three results came up, isn't that weird? and, I have no idea what his middle name is.)
I developed a mini crush on a boy tonight. He was with his gf, though, so I behaved and didn't do anything about it.
* * *
I have too many credit cards.
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