the monster says, "did i really just say that?"

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Why I keep a blog

I realized today just how much classier a person looks just from ironing their shirts. (i'm terrible at ironing my shirts. i need a housewife. anyone interested?)

My friend Rupa was talking about work husbands yesterday at dinner. Upon reflection, I realized I totally have one already. (Hey, I move fast, you know?) The other guys at work started immediately messing with me over my quick friendship with Russ, which is really just the product of me being like, "Okay, where's the first familiar face I see? I'm going to CLING to them forever and ever." (I'm kind of a scaredy-cat) Russ also has the status of perennial little brother, you know, the one who's just a little too skinny (not that russ is skinny, he definitely drinks his milk/beer, heh) and can't roll with the big boys. I figure, since everyone thinks Russ is a fuck-up, I can ask him questions and either my meteoric rise to notoriety will give him more credibility, or I can blame all my mistakes on him.

(hey, baby! I'll see you in hell!)

* * *

In wonder of all wonders, I got PAID today. Paychecks, man, they make the world go round. And, lucky me, my landlady is always a little late to cash my rent check, so I had $35.71 cents left over. Come on, I'll buy you breakfast.

(name that movie)

I kinda figured that the job sitch would turn out that way, because that's basically my MO in all my dealings (INFP: over-commit, somehow pull it all off, but probably not without snapping at anyone who comes close to you first).

* * *

Apparently, Matt thinks my "relationship" with Ally is too pathetic to find threatening. If I had any ego left, I might be offended, but instead I'm thrilled that I'm getting everything I want. I had a fantasy last week of going to a bar or something and running into some people I knew, and them saying, "So, how's it going, Christy?" and me replying, "Great! I'm getting everything I want!"

* * *

3 months ago, I started a mix CD for an acquaintance. I'm still working on it. I suck. Also, I just realized I never sent so much as a thank-you email to Stacey for putting me up while I was in Scotland. And I STILL haven't sent my grandparents a thank-you (my very catholic grandmother lit a candle for me at church, which is one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me, I think). I suck at thank-yous.

I read a couple of months ago that you can drastically increase your quality of life by being more grateful. The article recommended writing 5 things for which your thankful. I prefer to get all choked up as I try to tell my closest friends how much their friendship means to me. Potato potahto.


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