the monster says, "did i really just say that?"

Monday, May 01, 2006


This world is crazy. I just saw a commercial on KARE-11 for a new piece about how government workers are getting huge pensions, and (OMG!) you, the taxpayer is paying it. When is the anti-tax sentiment of this nation going to stop? Government workers, like University employees, are paid a fraction of the money they would make in industry, and perform a service. What do they do? Oh, just a little thing called educating the people of America. Fuckers.

* * *

I made another conclusion, but this one is the sort of one you sleep on instead of posting when you're crazied up.


At 4/5/06 11:26, Blogger The Old Stooge said...

I like how they were considered huge pensions. That is the standard for pensions. Half-a-billion dollars is a huge pension.

At least no one is considering cancelling the pensions, because that's what I'll (hopefully) be getting. (Not for teaching. For being a cop. Something far less dangerous ;))

And crazy posts are the best!


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