the monster says, "did i really just say that?"

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hello World

I always felt a little sorry for latecomers to the art of blog. I don't know why it even matters, except for cred, but I would read new blogs and think, "You don't even know!" because I'd been through the ditches, you know? I fought in a war... The war for the internet!!

And now I am a newbie, too. I'm a latecomer to the art of blog. For better than four years, I hid under the umbrella of But just as the butterfly must emerge from its cocoon sooner or later, so have I moved on from my safe haven with silly girly graphics. I'd link it, but it's too embarrassing.

Okay, enough with the bizarre metaphors. Hi. I'm Christy. Some of you are from diaryland, some of you are from elsewhere (and everywhere!) and some of you are just chancing upon my site. Either way, welcome. You can direct angry emails and/or love letters here, or just click the comments link below.

This has been your conscience speaking,


At 20/4/06 22:47, Blogger christymonster said...

Wow, Christy, you seem, like, really cool.

At 21/4/06 18:44, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a second! Isn't there like an internet word for all that like a buzzbot or something! That came from Christy! This kind of self-aggrandization is just wrong. I'll have3 another beer, governor.

Yeah buddy!!! -Timmy

At 23/4/06 08:38, Blogger The Old Stooge said...

Finally! I can comment correctly.

But European date listings? I think you're trying too hard.

Congrats. And you do seem really cool.

At 23/4/06 13:10, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone seems to be abandoning Diaryland! And now I'll be tempted to start another blog that I hardly ever post to. Hmph.

But: I'm glad you're still out there in cyberspace.

At 23/4/06 23:52, Blogger christymonster said...

Don't be silly, Ken. I'm not trying at all. It's just as easy for me to set the date and time as conventional American style as it is to set it as European. ;)


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