Stop calling Hillary Rodham Clinton a bitch!
I am so angry with the people who insist on referring to HRC (heh, i didn't realise that's what her initials spell) as "the bitch."
I'm going to preface this by saying that I don't think she's the best candidate out there, and I would prefer it if she didn't win the Democratic nomination. (in order not to compromise my legitimacy... this world depresses me) However, when someone says "People seriously admire that bitch hillary? Please...not even feminists want her as president. She's that classic kind of bitch where she's only good to you as long as you're good to her, and changes her opinion like she changes underwear, to make sure that the majority are good to her." (edited to include correct capitalization and grammar. run-on sentence left for mockery's sake) in response to results of a gallup poll giving President Bush and Rodham-Clinton as the most admired people in the US...
Why do people hate Hillary so much? Sure, she's a little stiff, but so was Al Gore, so was Bob Dole, and no one was referring to either of them as "the asshole." She is a politician, and I believe she is quite good at what she does. She has done a lot of good work in the Senate, and she deserves our respect. Maybe she doesn't remind you of your mother, but we do not elect our president to breastfeed us, we elect our president to run our country.
The worst part about all this petty nastiness must be hearing other women spout this misogynistic hatred. Look inside yourself and look at the facts: Hillary Rodham Clinton is not the girl who stood you up for your junior prom, she's not your absent mother, she's not the girl who stole your high school sweetheart, she's one of the Democratic presidential candidates. If you're going to insist that I refer to our dunce of a president as President Bush, you'd better be willing to treat those individuals seeking the office of the president with the respect their qualifications render them.