h-apple ee to first base
I'm lonely, but happy.
The getting divorced TA called... We had lunch last Wed. He's still legally married, still occasionally sleeping in his ex-wife's house, and doesn't seem to have any plan to get out of that situation soon. I would say that I'm going to take this one a little slow. He's fun to talk to, although I doubt that he'll be spontaneous enough to be happy with me, and I'm intimidated by his brains. Apparently, dating someone who could crush you with his brains isn't as fun as it sounds.
I saw Keverton Saturday at the thanksgiving party. I really like spending time with him, but he's still got some shit to sort through.
I had a non-boy reason for writing in here...
Oh yeah. Well, it is completely a boy reason, actually. I read a blogger who said she wanted galoshes and got a kitten from her boyfriend. The kitten stays at her place while the boyfriend is out of town, so she is basically the sole owner. Fine, right? Except she hates cats. This is just one of many reasons I'm happy I'm single.
"I've never dated a guy who bought a piece of jewelry that I liked."
I was feeling emo so I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind this weekend. We love who we love; it's better to accept it and enjoy the ride. What does it tell you that none of my friends like the guys I decide I want to date?
On what your friends might be thinking:
That you may be deliberately sabotaging your own relationships.
I appreciate the response, would you mind telling me who you are?
I know that I sabotage my relationships, but I don't want to say much more than that I'm working on it. That's the sort of thing that I keep out of my public, online diary.
You she's not an ex-wife until the divorce is final, right?
If your friends liked who you dated, you'd be miserable. Keep on keepin on, baby doll!
... you don't really keep it out of your online diary at all. And you're lucky that you are able to release your feelings this way. It's part of the healing process.
Don't stop.
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